Sunday, October 4, 2015

Oh Dolomiti

This morning we awoke to the ringing of the huge church bells across the way from our room.  The next thing we noticed was the soft patter of rain on the metal roof outside our window.  It was enough to send us back to sleep for another hour.  When we awoke a second time, we read, showered and went down several floors to breakfast:  cappuccino, croissants, warm honey, and several slices of a lovely, light breakfast pastry.  Pam kept us entertained pushing buttons on the juice dispenser and not having her glass in just the right place.  After several tries, she was a pro.

Then we decided, since hiking wasn't really an option, to be flaneurs in true French style.  I'm sure there is a word for it in Italian, but we just know how to do this in French...strolling.  Taking an umbrella from the Montana's lobby, out we went just as the congregation from the church across the street let out into the cobbled roadway.  Imagine our surprise, when in addition to families and assorted old men and women, a whole entourage of people of both genders emerged with instruments in traditional dress.  For an hour we saw various members of this group around town...going home, stopping to talk, or trouping in to one of the many cafes around town.

The town is truly beautiful, rain or shine.  All of the gear shops are closed until tomorrow afternoon.  In the few shops open on Sunday, lights were just beginning to come on sometime between 11 and noon.  After awhile, we rolled on home and read for another hour as the rain continued to fall.  

Thinking this would be a good time to drive up the mountain to see what we could see, we loaded into the little bear and put her through her paces (that means shifting up and down from second to third to fourth over and over again).  We were looking for a large lake, but never found it.  Both going up and coming down the mountain we were on track to find the town--Misurina--where the lake lies at its foot.  We came within 2 Km both ways, but then seemingly lost the town (where did it go?), and never saw the lake.

Returning to Cortina, we parked the Panda, and walked in the rain to what has become our favorite cafe.  We had some wine, conversation, and then strolled on home.  Now it's time for me to get slicked up as we are going to dinner at a place our concierge describes as "Fantastico!"  We look forward to our meal and hold great hope that the sun shines enough to hike tomorrow.  Ciao!  B 'n P

Coming out of church
Furling the flag...
Local door handle
Mail and newspapaer box at the Montana

The bell tower next door
Sheep enjoying fall grass, the rain, and a good chew

Road through the Dolomites in the rain

Fall coming to the mountains...lots of larch trees and some maples around town


  1. I do hope the rain stops! We had such a good time in that area -- trying out our German. Love the people in the traditional dress in your photos!

  2. What a trip! Living it thru you - keep the amazing photos & blogs coming...
