I never in my life thought to see a sunset such as this...let alone photograph it. I hope you think it is as spectacular as we did.
At 9:00 a.m. we lugged our baggage down and up to the train station and made the 2.5 hour journey to Florence. The countryside was beautiful...or what we could see of it. We went through the area in Carrara where much outstanding marble has been quarried for centuries. The mountains are gouged out, exposing faces of white rock. Michaelangelo frequented this area as an adult, chosing blocks of marble to be shipped back to Florence.
Upon arrival in Florence we caught a cab from the train station, checked in to our hotel, and set off to find the prearranged rendevous point with our guide, Paola. On the way we managed to get our Firenza card (three day admission to museums and points of interest) and find a cash machine that would finally accept our bank card. Then we set off for a survey and orientation tour to the "must sees," which are literally around every corner--statuary, medieval and Renaissance churches, palaces, frescoes...and the architectural genius on display everywhere. I hardly knew where to point my camera or where to turn.
All I can say is that the Medici family was incredibly rich, supported a huge group of writers, philosophers, artisans and artists whose names are familiar all over the world--Brunelleschi, Michaelangelo, Donatello, Dante, Machiavelli, Galileo Galilei,and as their family motto declared, Semper--Forever. I will leave you with some of the pictures and wee bit of the information we learned today. About the duomo and its cathedral: begun at the end of the 13th century by Arnolfo di Cambio. The dome was added in the 15th century on a design of Filippo Brunelleschi. The exterior is covered in a decorative mix of pink, white and green marble.

Inside of the church. Below marker on Donatello's grave. He was a favorite of Cosimo Medici and was buried close to his friend and benefactor.
Medici crest...the use of white marble and grayish limestone was common in Medici chapels and cathedrals.
The last woman in the Medici line...Anna Maria Luisa de Medici, and the main reason why all of the Medici treasures were given to the city of Florence.
Michaelangelo sarcophagus. He is buried with his family in the floor of the cathedral just to the left of this monument.

Here is the building and street in which Michangelo Buonarroti grew up, exposed to the artwork of others employed by the Medici family and other moneyed families in Florence.

In this same church, there is a painting of Dante reading the Inferno to citizens who were eager to hear the story. He too is immortalized here.
I will try to do better tomorrow. In the mean time, buona sera! Sleep well. Ciao! It is good to be connected again.
Love the stories and photos!