Thursday, October 4, 2012

Wandering Down the Lycian Coast

So, for the last couple of days they've cruised along the Mediterranean...anchoring, hiking, snorkeling, eating delicious food. Yesterday we went ashore so that we could hike up to the ridge of a mountain and see the remains of a Greek aqueduct. It was beautiful and from a distance looked ever so much like a long wall, lifting and dipping, snaking its way as it followed the land.
Back on the boat we swam, ate, napped, and during the cocktail hour, Craig and Brooke taught several of our group to play a card game. Pam won!!
As we stretched out under gathering clouds, we hoped that the rain would not come. As we drifted off to sleep, we had a great lightning show, and later on we were awakened by long, rolling thunder. The rain was not far behind. This was our first evening sleeping in our cabin. We didn't sleep very well.

After a huge morning hike up to Kaya Koy (the city of Birds Without Wings), all of us were exhausted...our guide included. The city ruins are incredible...much larger than I envisioned. After coming down through the ruins to the now living city, we stopped for morning coffee in a small shop. Pam and I downed two glasses of the best,fresh-squeezed orange juice ever. Back on the boat we decided, No Afternoon Hike! "Good tourists, good tourists," said Dennis. We pulled up anchor and set off. Now we are anchored in a beautiful cove. Clouds are gathering overhead and we can hear distant thunder. A faint rainbow is pushing up from the distant mountains, and we are so hoping to be able to sleep out under the night sky, cloudy or not.

Night lights in a distant town

Under way

Coming ashore

Looking back at Cevri II at anchor

A piece of the aqueduct

Craig, standing on an intact section of the aqueduct

"OK, so here's how it goes, you get five cards..."

Climbing up from the bay near Kaya Koy

Hiking up, and up, and up!

Ever the joker!

Walls and windows

No roof has survived, but here it is easy to see how water was collected...a run off the roof and water fills the cistern. Every house has this arrangement.

A window on long ago

Stone mosaic in a church yard

Inside one of the churches

And a cathedral...

Another storm...coming or going?

Location:At Anchor Somewhere

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