Friday, October 5, 2012

Last Blog from Turkey

This will truly be very short because our Internet connection is the worst we've had and we're really tired. So, four amazing things happened at the end of our trip.
1. The last night on the boat we were at Gocek, tied in to a slip at the dock. As dinner started, a woman and a man we didn't know came on board. They were greeted happily by the captain and went below. Some good friends come to visit the captain, we thought. No--a surprise from Dennis ( who is always full of delightful surprises). The woman was a belly dancer--and did we all have fun! The videos are much better, but some pics will need to suffice for now.
2. On the long drive from Gocek to our next destination, Sirince, Dennis asked if we would like to detour through Bodrum, his home town, to meet his wife Elif and three month old son, Kuzay. Yes, of course we would!
3. In the place we stayed in Sirince, we each had our own cottage at an inn atop a hill. It was beautiful.
4. We visited Ephesus. Those of you who have been there understand that the beauty, crowds, and sights of this ancient, once thriving port city are hard to describe. So, again, a few pictures will have to suffice.
Tomorrow a.m. We leave the hotel at 3:00 a.m. for the first leg of our flight back, which will take us through Frankfurt and then nonstop on to Denver. We'll be so happy to be back, but what a time we've had. Thanks for traveling with us.
Much love,
B n P

John with our belly dancer

Dennis with his new motorcycle in Bodrum

The family...bad pic

Pam n Kuzay--of course

Porch n front door of our cottage

From the living room

Welcome to Ephesus

Piecing shards together to reconstruct wall murals. Talk about a puzzle!

Mausoleum and library


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