Monday, July 8, 2013

What a week it has been.
Monday, July 1:  We are officially in the Colorado monsoon season.  Thunder storms roll in each afternoon accompanied by high winds, sheets of rain and often hail.  Our friend Marla’s daughter Laura, and her boyfriend Jarod are in Colorado.  They stayed with us Saturday evening and on Sunday, as we headed off for Tundra patrol, they moved into a camp site in the National Park.  On Monday morning we picked up Starbuck’s coffees for everyone, and met Laura and Jarod just as they were breaking camp.  They left their car at the trailhead where they would trek out from backpacking in three days, and we drove them up to Bear Lake.  Together we walked to the trailhead and watched them go off up toward Flat Top Mountain loaded with food, water, and excitement.  It was like watching our children go off to school alone for the first time, even though they are 20 somethings, very capable of taking care of themselves and each other.

Tuesday, July 2:  Back up to Bear Lake and headed for the summit of Flat Top ourselves.  This time in the company of Lee, her great nieces Becca and Katie, their husbands Tommy and Philipp, and Becca and Tommy’s (barely) three month old son, Fitz.  As hikes to Flat Top go it was a good one.  There was a great deal of heavy breathing (especially from Pam and me), beautiful scenery, picture taking, and a stop so that Becca could feed Fitz.  He was a dream, and made his first summit in fine fashion (a diaper change made it even better)!  Flat Top is 12354 ft / 3765 m.  We add the measure in meters because Philipp is Swiss and he had just come in two days earlier.  Good man!  The wind came up and the temperature dropped about 10 degrees while we were taking pictures and eating snacks on top, so we came down quickly...a stop to feed Fitz on halfway down and soon we were all safe and exhausted at home.

Wednesday, July 3:  Lee and Mare were hosting a grand wedding celebration for Katie and Philipp at their house on the 4th.  We spent this day finishing decorations, making sure all the food was ready, polishing Jeeps (the beginning of the party was a surprise parade, complete with tin cans on the Jeeps), and rounding up last minute flourishes.  Oh yes...napping, and thinking about tomorrow.  Just below us and across Little Valley Rd. lives a family of eight kids and two parents.  We have watched the family grow year by year, and marveled at their shrieks and yells as they played together during the summer months.  Several years ago I was pulled to our deck by the sound of trumpets and kazoos.  It was the Westley family, marching in single file--all dressed in red, 4th of July tshirts.  They piled into the family van and took off for Grand Lake where they love to spend the 4th to camp and watch the fireworks there.  On this day, several of the younger kids were playing in the yard. 

Thursday, July 4:  In the morning, we gathered at Lee and Mare’s to put up decorations, arrange deck furniture, move the beverages to coolers, and make sure all was taken care of.  Liz, Brandy’s partner assured us that Katie suspected something, but had no clue as to what we were doing.  Brandy brought the three layers of the wedding cake, and just before the “doings” started, decorated it beautifully with fresh flowers.  At 3 o’clock, the four Jeeps (Lee & Mare’s, Cheryl’s, Cody’s, ours) plus, Cad on her Vespa (parade marshall) assembled at the Ace Hardware to put decorations and cans on the vehicles.  At 4 o’clock we arrived at Brandy’s door and Lee went in to get Katie and Philipp.  SURPRISE!  I’ll let the pictures do the talking.  Suffice it to say that Philipp kept saying, “I feel so special...” and Katie added, “This is just like a real wedding party!”  Katie and Philipp were married last September 5th in Zurich.  Lee, Mare, Lee’s sister Elvon, Pam and I attended via Skype!

Friday, July 5:  Wearily, Pam, Lee and I rolled off to work at our volunteer job at Bear Lake in Rocky.  The shift was uneventful, but packed with hikers big and little bound for here, there, and everywhere.  We were all delightfully surprised when one of the visitor's, in line for the shuttle bus called out, "Bonnie?  Bonnie Beach?"  It was Donna Cox, wife of former New Trier West principal, Dave Cox.  Dave, of course, was there too and we had a fine reunion chat before they took the next bus down to town.  When we got off at 1 o’clock, all of us were hoping to get in a nap before Lee went to a family gathering at Brandy’s and Pam and I went off to a cook out at neighbor’s Kristi and Lyn.  As we drove toward town, there were dings and pings from all of our iPhones as we came back into cell range.  Lee listened to a phone message and then said, “Oh my god!  There was a huge accident in Grand Lake last night after the fireworks. The Westleys were crossing the street and they were hit by a guy driving a pick up.  They think alcohol was involved on the driver’s part.  Greg (the father) was killed instantly.  Debbie (the mom) and three of the kids were airlifted to Denver.”  We were stunned and drove home in silence as Lee called Mare and tried to get more information.  Lee is our home owner’s association President.  The Westleys are part of our community and association.

Partying was the last thing that any of us wanted to do that evening, but we were expected and we went.  Our party was at Lyn and Kristi’s...they too are neighbors of the Westley’s.  As it turned out, it was theraputic to talk with people who knew nothing of the accident, and with the few who did.  At one point, I mused to a friend, “How many times do I have to be reminded to treasure every minute, every hour of every day with Pam, our family and friends, in the world?”  Lyn looked at me and said, “Don’t be so hard on yourself.  We are only human.  We get lost and caught up and forget.  Events overwhelm us.  The lessons are here to teach and remind us to spread love, to be gentle and kind with one another.”

Saturday, July 6:  The day of our home owner’s annual meeting.  We met Lee and Mare early and went down to the pavillion at Lake Estes where our annual meetings are held.  As people began to arrive, we were set up and ready.  The tone of the meeting was very subdued, as one might expect.  Lee  opened the meeting by asking one of our members who is a retired minister to lead a prayer.  She gave an update on the condition (as we knew it) of the surviving Westley family members, and then reported that a fund had been set up to help the family. After that, she progressed through the agenda in her usual efficient manner.  When the meeting was over, we cleaned up and went home.  That night was the final dinner with Lee’s family at Lee and Mare’s.  Don and Elvon (Lee’s brother in law and sister) and Katie and Philipp were leaving that evening to drive back to Minnesota where Don and Elvon would throw another two wedding receptions for Katie and Philipp:  one with family (25 people), and one with family and friends (60 people).

Saturday night:  I watch the house below us when darkness comes.  The older Westley boys come back from their hospital vigil.  Lights go on.  There is no laughter, no noise, no people moving about in front of the windows.  When I get up in the middle of the night, a few lights remain on.  By morning, the boys are gone again.  The family has always kept to themselves.  They are well known in their church.  Greg’s mom and dad are in town as is Debbie’s sister.  We know they are wrapped in care, and love, and concern--by people known and unknown to them...

Sunday, July 7:  We have collapsed.  The day is spent reading, writing some, finishing a DVD for Katie and Philipp...thinking about life and love, loss, new beginnings, love...and so I will close for now.  Send your prayers and hearts out to the Westley family...and remember to shower the people you love with love.  Every minute, every day is precious.  All we have is what is in the here and now.  Fill it with gentleness.  That's it for the time being.

Pictures for this week that was can be found at:

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