Sunday, April 21, 2013

Off Again

It's Sunday, April 21. My moms dropped me off at a cool place called Bowser B&B in Elizabeth, just outside of Galena.
It belongs to cousins Michelle and Jack. The first thing was my moms got to meet the two goats, the horse next door who escaped into cousin Michelle's pasture, and the four horses. I skipped all that. Next? We went to where I am staying: the kennel. I got to see my little cubicle. It already had my name on it. There is a bed on four short legs (my mom put my car blanket on it) and a water dish. Then we went outside in one of the many runs. A really big golden came with us. He's very nice. We raced around for a bit then went back inside. Guess what? He knows how to open the doors to all of the individual rooms, so he did that. A greyhound, poodles, small dogs, bigger dogs all came pouring out. Such fun. I think I'll have a good time while my moms are in South and North Carolina with my Aunties Lee and Mare. Well, my mom let me write this mostly so that she can make sure her mobile blogger is working. Stay tuned. There may be some adventures.
Love and Happy Spring,
Lucy Blu

Location:Galena, IL

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