Monday, September 24, 2012

Hiking the Red Valley, Magic Carpets, Whirling Dervishes

This morning we left early for another morning hike...this one in the Red Valley, across town from our hiking yesterday. We were joined last evening by Kurt and Ann Kutay, the owners of the company with which we are traveling. They are both charming, down to earth, and good fun (Cody and Cad, they asked about you right off).
The hiking was strenuous, both up and down hill, but we stopped several times to have tea (chai) or juice. At one point we climbed down into an arroyo by ladder...a bit scary. After hiking, we had a wonderful lunch and the visited a carpet shop where we learned about and saw wool dying, spinning and weaving. Of course we were also shown some unbelievable carpets. Several couples in our group bought a carpet...yes we did, but only a very small one that we will have framed at home.
After carpets, we went to a caravanserai, (palace for caravans). In the "olden days" caravanserai were spaced 40 miles apart, the distance a camel could travel in one day. Today, however, we saw a performance of Sufis, or whirling dervishes. Since it was the Turkish poet Rumi, (one of our favorites), who with his son created worship by whirling, we were very interested. The experience was mystical. After the performance, we got to sit with one of the dervishes and ask questions. Deniz interpreted and we learned a great deal. The most important thing we learned about Sufism is that everyone, no matter who or how one worships, is welcome to join in, in the belief that we are one and we are together.
We returned to our house, changed, and enjoyed a fabulous Turkish mezes dinner. Now, we are to be in our van at 5:15a.m. We are going ballooning!!

More fabulous formations.

BB down the ladder

Down goes Pam

Trail marker

Time for tea and Deniz teaches Kurt how to play Backgammon.

Murvaz the tea man's dog, smiling for the camera.

Apple tea for Melinda and John.

Our girl on the move.

Brooke and Craig testing the carpet they eventually bought.

A perk at the carpet store. The owner is Deniz' friend, so Deniz borrowed the motorcycle and I volunteered to go for a rip around town. What a thrill!

It was dark by the time we finished talking with the Sufi...good night to all.
Posted using BlogPress from my iPad



  1. What a wonderful trip you're on...I'm jealous! :) We miss you bunches, maybe someday you'll journey to the good ol' Panhandle. :) Be careful, we love you!

  2. Wonderful adventures!! Thinking about you every day. Can't wait for more! BTW Jesus Borja would like to get your blogs. Can you do that from afar?? Love you! Betty
