Sunday, August 12, 2012

We're Back!

We're back and we have a new look.

The summer is slip-sliding away.  It's hard to believe it's August and most of the country is (according to our Illinois family and visitors to Rocky) burning up. After a fiery start to the summer the dry, blistering heat is giving way to the monsoon rains and feel of early autumn.  If you wonder what we've been up to, here's a summary:

Fire Danger:  Still high, but the ground beneath our feet is no longer as crunchy and vegetation is green rather than dead and dying brown.  Most of the fire bans in our area have been lifted, but when we drive into the Park, the fire danger is still listed as high.

Visitors:  We've had a lot of company this summer...all of it entertaining and fun.  Our time with the Marks (Mark, Olivia, and Daric) was too short--although we managed to pack a good deal of activity into a week--Hiking, fire patrol duty, squirrel busting, horseback riding, Jeeping, and time with Lee and Mare.  The Leifs (Gail, Leif, Laine, Brady, and Ryder) were here in July also.  We had the pleasure of going on the Gamrath's first, official family hike to Dream Lake.

Travel: Our summer started with a 10 day trip to Minnesota/North Dakota where we attended the memorial services for  Lee's mom who died in December, 2011.  We had a great time with Don and Elvon (Lee's bro-in-law and sister), Brandy, Liz, Becca, Tommy, Will, Sarah, and Katie.  We left Don and Elvon's after great eating and lots of laughs and remembrances.  On the trip home, we spent three days at Custer State Park with Lee and Mare.  Almost as good as Africa for animal viewing and a gift to be able to spend time together.  We were back in Estes Park for 12 hours, and Pam and I took off for California for a commitment ceremony between cousin Lauren Ferrara and her partner Trish Bubnis.  We stayed with Sue and Michelle Kletter (Pam's niece and her wife), and their two children Jevny and Jasper.  They showed us a great time.

Seeing my own California family (sadly minus brother Steve and sister-n-law Charmaine due to an infection in Steve's foot) was a highlight for me.  The wine tasting on Saturday with Trish and Lauren was wonderful (especially the personal tour at Stagg's Leap), and their ceremony Sunday afternoon with family and friends on Trish's dad and step-mother's patio was amazing.   There was great wine, and food, loads of family and friends, and a beautiful ceremony crafted by Lauren and Trish--aided by Trish's three daughters.  As I looked out over my family and Trish and Lauren's friends, I saw my Aunt Pat (83--mom's only living sib), my white cousins, their kids--several of whom have brown partners or spouses, the tiny...newest member of our family 1/2 Anglo, 1/2 Mexican, black and Asian friends, young and old -- some gay couples, mostly straight pairs...everyone was happy and celebrating.  I felt the need to stand and say what a great celebration...the older generation full of love and acceptance for what they couldn't have imagined in their youth, the folks my age who were a mix of traditional and unexpected...the young ones whose living out loud in multi colors, multi sexual orientations, all together with such an outpouring of love.  It was really amazing.

Life in the Mountains:  has finally slowed and we've enjoyed some quiet days, and time with friends, deep conversations, photographic excursions, and hiking.  We helped our neighbors, the Matthies clan, celebrate the death and life of their dad Jim in a style that he would have loved!  Party on!

 Today is the first anniversary of the death of our friend Rich Tracy.  As Pat Motto did for the commemoration of the anniversary of her husband, Mike McGhee's death, Marla Tracy and her kids Brian, Kim, and Laura have invited friends and family to do something to honor, remember, focus on Rich's life.  Baring rain, Lee, Teri Rodgers (Chicago friend), Pam and I are going to hike Twin Sisters in the early, early a.m. and be on the summit for sunrise.  Rich loved the outdoors, hiking, and being an integral part of the sunrise, sunset and all of the time with love and intention.

I had intended for this to be a short...Hey! we're back, but I've never been able to keep my writing short, so I hope your patience was not tried by this catch up.  From here on I'm going to try to post weekly until we leave for Turkey on September 20...I will try to keep the posts short.  Thanks for your patience and love...and so it goes from the mountains as they turn gently to fall.

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