Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Travel Place

So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Adieu!
By the end of May we will lose access to our MobileMe account with Apple.  I cannot access our regular blog when we are traveling so I am looking for a blog site where we can post short updates about our travels in Vietnam.  If this works our for us and for those of you who follow what we post, we will move to this blog spot officially.  For the time being--This Is (as they say), a TEST.  I am sending you the link to this site and need some feedback on your own ease in accessing and reading it.  Let me know what you think, and whether you'd like news of our Vietnam travels.  Thanks for helping out.  BB


  1. Lucy's right....who would want to live down there? Happy Belated Ground Hog's Day! How's the snow out your way?
